Skilled Nursing Facility Limited Visitation Protocols (09/17/2020)
September 17, 2020
Dear Family, Friends and Residents,
On July 10, 2020, the Department of Health (“Department”) issued guidance to nursing homes indicating resumption of limited visitation and activities in nursing homes (NH). This directive detailed specific criteria NHs must follow for reducing such restrictions, while mitigating the risk of resurgence of COVID-19.
On September 17, 2020, the Department released revised guidance that NHs must follow to resume limited visitation. In order to resume visitation, all NHs must be in full compliance with both the state and federal requirements and guidelines of the attached Department of Health Advisory.
* Once the facility has achieved full compliance family, friends, and residents will be notified. For additional information on our visitation protocols and to view additional important information, including the most up to date Department guidance, please click on the links below.
Click below for a copy of our Safety Plan
Click below for a copy of a Visitor Expectation Fact Sheet and Visitor Contact Screening Form.
Click below for information on how to properly wear a face mask.
Click below for a copy of the NYS Department of Health Guidance
Please understand that this is a very fluid and ever-changing situation with strict protocols and guidance. For additional information, please contact the facility directly via the contact information below: